Cotton Systems Ltd. and Cotton Coach Inc.
Suite 110 - 3121 Hill Road
Lake Country, BC
V4V 1G1 Canada
Toll Free: 1-877-826-8866 (North America)
Local/International: (250) 766-1555
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (250) 766-1505
About Wayne Cotton, CLU
Wayne Cotton, CLU is the founder of Cotton Systems Ltd. and Cotton Coach Inc. He has been helping financial advisors and management teams improve their sales activity and achieve higher levels of success for more than 40 years.
Wayne was a qualifying member of the Million Dollar Round Table, Court of the Table or Top of the Table for 21 of his 28 years as a financial advisor.
He implemented a succession plan for his practice and now focuses on developing training tools and programs to help other advisors achieve the amazing results that are possible.
Wayne has delivered over 1,000 industry speeches and workshops including main platform presentations at MDRT and many industry association annual meetings. He has spoken in 16 countries worldwide and has helped thousands of insurance agents and financial advisors enjoy higher levels of success.
Overwhelming response to Wayne’s content led to publishing of The Cotton System, the foundation for Wayne’s business success in his own practice. It was first published in 1983 and continues to be enhanced to meet the needs of the current marketplace. Cotton Systems Ltd. also works with management and leadership teams that want to guide advisor associates to higher levels of growth.
"Wayne is the one who has perfected the philosophy and process of client acquisition and business growth.
Cotton has developed by far the best process I have seen in 35 years in this industry. It includes proven tools, defined skill building and core concepts for practice management and business development."
David Tigges, CLU, ChFC
"As a leader and coach in the financial services industry, I have successfully integrated Cotton’s concepts and processes for over 15 years.
The advisors who have fully adopted Wayne’s client acquisition concepts have achieved great success in both their business lives and their personal lives. Many are recognized as being in an elite production class in the industry."
Juli Leith, BA, FLMI, CFP, CLU
The Personal Coach - Ontario
"The Cotton approach dramatically cut down my frustrations levels and my prospecting time. I not only have more selling time, but more importantly, more time with my family.
I describe Cotton’s concepts as the bridge between where you are now to where you want to go. This method builds your confidence level, whether you are new or established. I know exactly what I am supposed to do. It takes the guesswork out of the whole client acquisition process."
Rebecca Gonzalez, CLU
Financial Advisor - Wisconsin