What is your definition of a Ritual?

What is your definition of a Ritual?

One dictionary states, “A ritual is a set of fixed actions performed regularly”.

Okay, I’ll go along with that definition because it makes sense for this video newsletter.

Rituals can be very positive if they serve a useful purpose.

Let me share a story about my Dad to help you see how a positive ritual can make a big difference.

This is about my 15-year ritual of having a “Daily Dad Gab” with my Father.

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How do you create a ritual?

Do you know the steps you can use to create great rituals in your life?

Many of us think that to stay consistent we have to be very disciplined. I suggest that if you have something important that needs to be done regularly, consider making it a ritual.


Rituals overcome the need for discipline!

Sure, you need discipline to get something started but once you start, then you need to make it a habit.

It is in the last stage that the habit becomes a ritual.

Rituals deliver huge benefits because they overcome the need for so much discipline and go far beyond habits.

My “Daily Dad Gab” ritual made an amazing difference for my Dad and for me.

Think about your life and see if you can identify two or three habits that would make a world of difference for you, your future and those around you.

Write those habits down and think of what you would have to do to get them started. Then convert the habits and see if you can make them rituals in your life. 

When I was away from home and in another time zone, it was just intuitive for me to call my Dad at 9 pm his time (our allotted Dad Gab time). I would glance at my watch and say, “I need to go make a phone call. I’ll be back soon” and then I’d call my Dad.

When you create an important ritual in your life, you won’t even have to think about it anymore. You will just do it!


Wayne Cotton, CLU
Growth Guide for Advisors
Convert Chaos to Clarity

P.S. Send your thoughts on this content to me at: [email protected]